Presentations and events
Rachel Wynberg and Sarah Laird: Rethinking biodiversity-based economies for justice and conservation.
Click here to read the abstract and watch presentation here. This presentation was part of the People, Plants and the Law lecture series.Rethinking Biodiversity-Based Economies for Conservation and Equity: A Bantaba on The Role and Future of ABS in Biodiversity-Based Economies.
Side event at the 16th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP16) to the Convention on Biological Diversity in Cali (Colombia) hosted on October 2024.
People and Plants International: scientific articles, policy briefs, webinars, workshops, and video.
Blasiak, R., Wynberg, R., Grorud-Colvert, K., Thambisetty, S., Bandarra, N.M., Canário, A. V. M., da Silva, J., Duarte, C. M., Jaspars, M., Rogers, A., Sink. K., and Wabnitz, C. C. C., 2020 The ocean genome and future prospects for conservation and equity, Nature Sustainability
Cooper, H.D., Mumba, M., Dhyani, S. et al. Priorities for progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 15 ‘Life on land’. Nat Ecol Evol 7, 1570–1575 (2023).
Humphries, F., Gottlieb, H.M., Laird, S., Wynberg, R., Lawson, C., Rourke, M., Tvedt, M.W., Oliva, M.J., Jaspar, M., 2020. A tiered approach to the marine genetic resource governance framework under the proposed UNCLOS agreement for biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ). Marine Policy,
Laird, S.A. et al. 2020. Rethink the expansion of access and benefit sharing. Science 367, 1200-1202. DOI: 10.1126/science.aba9609
Laird, S.A. and Wynberg, R. 2016. Locating Responsible Research and Innovation Within Access and Benefit Sharing Spaces of the Convention on Biological Diversity: the Challenge of Emerging Technologies. NanoEthics, 10(1), 1-12.
Laird, S.A. and Wynberg, R. 2020. Connecting the dots … biodiversity conservation, sustainable use and access and benefit sharing. With a focus on Cameroon, Madagascar, Namibia, and South Africa. GIZ, People and Plants International, University of Cape Town, Voices for Biojustice.
Laird, S.A. and Wynberg, R. 2018. A Fact-Finding and Scoping Study on Genetic Resources in the Context of the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Nagoya Protocol. CBD/DSI/AHTEG/2018/1/3, United Nations Environment Programme, Convention on Biological Diversity.
Wynberg, R. 2023. Biopiracy: Crying wolf or a lever for equity and conservation? Research Policy 52 (2023) 104674
Wynberg, R. 2018. Chapter 14. One step forward, Two steps back? Implementing access and benefit-sharing legislation in South Africa. In: Routledge Handbook of Biodiversity and the Law, Edited by Charles R. McManis and Burton Ong, Routledge. Pp 198-218.
Wynberg, R. and Laird, S.A. 2017. Fast science and sluggish policy: the Herculean task of regulating biodiscovery. Trends in Biotechnology, 35(12).
Wynberg, R. and Laird, S.A. 2023. Access and benefit sharing and biodiversity conservation: the unrealized connection. In: Access and Benefit Sharing of Genetic Resources, Information and Traditional Knowledge. Edited by Lawson, C., Rourke, M., and Humphries, F. Routledge, pp 50-70.
Wynberg, R., Ives, S. and Bam, J. 2023. How access and benefit sharing entrenches inequity: The case of Rooibos. Journal of Southern African Studies. Vol. 49, No. 4, 589–610,
Wynberg, R., Andersen, R., Laird, S.A., Kusena, K., Prip, C. and Westengen, O.T. 2021. Farmers’ Rights and Digital Sequence Information: Crisis or Opportunity to Reclaim Stewardship over Agrobiodiversity? Frontiers in Plant Science. 12:1-16, DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2021.686728
Wynberg, R., Laird, S.A., van Niekerk, J. and Kozanayi, W. 2015. Formalization of the natural product trade in Southern Africa: Unintended consequences and policy blurring in biotrade and bioprospecting. Society and Natural Resources: An International Journal, 28:5, 559-574.